Return Of The Living Dead!

Hello world!

It’s been awhile, a reeeally long while; for anyone who previously visited this blog I feel like I owe an explanation as to my three year period of radio silence, my previous laptop died on me (effectively taking various projects I had been writing, to a digital grave.) While incredibly unfortunate, it’s something that has motivated me to further pursue writing (I’m in the process of re-writting, all I had lost as well as some new joints that have been floating around in my brain.) Plus life happened, work and responsibilities obsorbed my free time, but I feel like I’m at a point in my life where I’m able to finally express some of the more creative aspects of my personality.

I also want to discuss what’s going on in the world today, whether it’s relating to pop culture, sports/wrestling, politics, films, music and so forth. I also want to write reviews/discussions concerning album’s of years past in an effort to connect past-to-present. I call them “FLASHBACK REVIEWS.

So I hope you join me in this rebirth, for those who are new to the blog and to my past readers I just wanna say….


Though before I bid you all adieu, I would like to recommend some content creators of that I’m a fan/friend of.

Focus Hip Hop (Shout-out to OG Nick Marsh, if you’re interested in a different perspective concerning Hip Hop.)

visit at

Buffalo Staple (Buff is outta the UK and reviews all genres of music, no matter how terrible some artists may be lol, his also records his music under the name of “Vale-Smith” so give him a gander!)


A podcast I would absolutely recommend is Cocaine & Rhinestones: The History Of Country Music In The 20th Century, a wonderful listen; even if you’re not into Country Music. Just the colorful stories told will have you hooked!!!

Visit at

Going In Raw Podcast/Youtube Channel-A a Pro-Wrestling podcast/Youtube show that discusses all things going on in the Pro-Wrestling world, while providing an honest and positive perspective on what’s going on inside and outside of WWE.

Once Upon A Crime-A true crime podcast, that I recently stumbled upon it is really entertaining, the host Esther Ludlow is able to hook the listener into the tales of criminal savagery.

visit at

These are just some recommendations, that I will give as to not take up your time!

Until next time!!!









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